Category: Uncategorized

  • ​Finding your creativity

    September 11, 2023
    The young doctor should look about early for an avocation, a pastime, that will take him away from patients, pills, and…
  • How to Start a Medical Podcast

    September 11, 2023
    If someone had told me at the start of med school that I’d one day create Junior Doctor’s Corner and…
  • What is Mindfulness?

    July 12, 2021
    Quite simply, mindfulness is a state of awareness. It’s not something that you need to actively force to happen or…
  • What is Self Compassion?

    June 5, 2021
    How often are we told “be kind to yourself”? As if it were that easy just to switch off the…
  • To Burnout and Back Again

    May 21, 2021
    I had an amazing conversation with a wonderful friend tonight. The conversation was about life, mental health and the all…
  • Perception and Reality

    April 19, 2021
    This morning as I drove my kids to school, I noticed that there weren’t all the usual students walking to…
  • Burn out in Medicine.

    April 11, 2021
    Why are doctors burning out and what can we do about it? First and foremost I need to preface this…
  • The Road We Walk

    March 6, 2021
    Blogging for me has been an interesting thing. It’s so easy to think that the thoughts I have and the…
  • Perfectionism and Self doubt

    January 14, 2021
    This post was also published on Whole Hearted Medicine, an organisation run by doctors and offering self care retreats specifically for…
  • The ‘Medical Treadmill’…

    December 17, 2020
    Burnout for me was essentially the brakes being slammed on in my life. I suffered a series of debilitating panic…